Sunday, 4 March 2007

02/03/2007 - "School Visits"

Today we visited 2 schools in Dhenkenal. It quickly became appraent how important hygiene education is at the school and the variety of mediums that are used to communicate the messages. There were songs, plays, games, chants. I guess if you make it fun for the kids, they'll want to particpate and are more likely to remember it.

The kids take these messages home to their parents and teach their parents what they have learnt such as; handwashing, washing veg, covering pots, keeping flies off food etc.

The school has 3 committees that are made up of the children. One each for water, sanitation and hygiene. The commitees meet weekly with the headmaster and the sanitation support workers and have responsibilities such as cleaning the water filter, filling the water tank and educating their peers.

These kids were so enthusiastic about what they had learnt. We really were seeing the next generation of India. A generation with a future. It had obviously meant so much to the children and teachers we were asked to commemorate the event by planting trees near the hand pump which had been installed by WaterAid. What an honour.

Access to clean water and toilets has obviously made such a difference to the school. Enrolment was up by one third and the number of girls attending school had significantly increased.

At the end of the day the kids sang us a song....

"Twinkle twinkle little star, WaterAid is superstar!"

Need I say any more?

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