Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Final thoughts

I have been back in the UK for 5 days now and it has been a bit of a struggle to readjust. I have suffered a bit from reverse culture shock and I am definitely seeing the world through a new pair of eyes.

The supporters visit to India has been an incredible experience. WaterAid is so much more than Taps and Toilets. It really makes a difference to people’s lives. Access to safe water and latrines is just the beginning. Being free from disease and the burden of collecting water enables children to go to school and adults to work themselves out of poverty. In some cases WaterAid really is the difference between life and death, but in so many other cases it is the difference between existing and really living. Just £15 can provide someone with safe water, sanitation and hygiene education for life. That’s just the price of a takeaway. You can make a difference!

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